TOEIC PART7 の練習問題です。だいたい4分くらいで解けるといいかもです。
Questions refer to the following sentence.
The appeal of online games lies in the fact that real-time battles and cooperative play are possible. Players connect with people around the world and work hard every day to improve their competitiveness. As a result, online FPS games are booming and supported by many players.
The biggest reason for its popularity is that players can enjoy the game for free. Players can play games without paying if they have a high-performance personal computer called a game console or gaming PC. Instead, it is a mechanism that requires charging to customize costumes and items. From the point of view of a game software company, many people play for free, increasing the number of people who become fans of the software. Once they become fans, they become more particular about their costumes, and as a result, they believe that they will earn more money than selling software for a fee.
Online games have also contributed greatly to the development of esports. Esports is a professional gaming competition, with large-scale tournaments and team battles. Players have high skill and strategy, giving excitement and excitement to the audience. The popularity of e-sports is expanding worldwide, and the market is expected to grow, including the entry of many sponsors.
On the other hand, some experts point out problems such as game addiction. Stakeholders should be aware that gaming addiction and excessive playtime can have a negative impact on personal health and relationships.
The online game market has its charms and problems at the same time, but further growth is expected in the future. With the advancement of technology and the spread of e-sports, playing games has evolved from mere entertainment to a social industry.
Therefore, it is important for all parties involved to work together to build a sustainable state.
001. How do game companies make money?
002. According to the article, what should game market players do?
003. What is the charm of online games that is talked about in the article?
004. From individual to team play
A: ゲーム機やゲーミングPCの販売による
B: キャラクターの衣装やアイテムのカスタマイズ課金による
C: 大規模なトーナメントの開催による
D: ゲーム内に広告を出すことで
正解 B:By charging for customizing character costumes and items
A: ゲーム依存症の予防に重点を置く
B: eスポーツのスポンサー数を増やす
C: リアルな運動をする
D: 持続可能な国家を構築するために協力する
正解 A: Focus on preventing gaming addiction
A: リアルタイム対戦と協力プレイ
B: 高性能パソコンの操作性
C: プロのゲーム競技会
正解 D:free to play
A: 個人からチームでプレイすることが多くなった
B: 健康的なものになった
C: 法律で規制されるようになった
D: 単なる娯楽から産業になった
正解 D: from mere entertainment to industry